This website is devoted to studying the twelve steps, traditions and concepts of service from the AA program. We use as our guide a set of commentaries by Dennis F.
What we do
They are of use to those sober members who wish to add to their ‘simple kit of spiritual tools’ the power of the traditions and concepts. The commentaries focus on writing inventory on each chapter. The short inventory format utilized seeks to explore each person’s relationship with god and AA, family and friends, as well as work and other talents. Each inventory is set in a dialectic style, asking us to set forth the problem, examine the character defect and ask, “What would our higher power have us do?”
The commentaries were written Step one to Twelve, Tradition one to Twelve and Concept one to Twelve. They are used as the format for the Tuesday night Unity Insures Recovery Through Service meeting of AA in Los Angeles, California.
The commentaries are handed out each week as an aid to understanding how each step, tradition and concept can be applied to our lives. This is non-conference approved material.
The quotations from the Big Book and Twelve and Twelve are copyrighted by Alcoholics Anonymous®.
This website was designed in compliance with the guidelines as suggested by AA’s General Service Office: “FAQ About A.A. Web Sites”.
We will use your e-mail address only to process your requests such as sending you critical news announcements: meeting elections meeting relocations emergency meeting cancellations secretaries’ announcements
This meeting is based on the premise that AA had more to offer than just abstinence from alcohol. Recovery is the restoration of our relationships with God and others through sobriety. We recover through working the 12 Steps on a daily basis.
This new relationship with a higher power is the cornerstone of our sobriety. Without the expansion of this loving relationship with God, into our relationships with other people, our happiness is incomplete.
The Traditions show us how to love each other The principles that work for the AA groups also apply to our relationship with God, our families, friends, and those with whom we work. It is by practicing the principles of the traditions that we carry our the steps in the world.
We live in the solution, not the problem. We are united to one another in love. The natural expression of love is service, and when we love, we want to serve. The Twelve Concepts are the service Principles that carry out the promises of love contained in the traditions.
The principles of the Concepts show us how to love each other through being of service to the world meeting is: “Unity Insures Recovery Through Service.”
This method of inventory is quite simple and extremely fundamental. Because the alcoholic put’s his or her faith in finite self instead of infinite God, this method always helps us to see where we can take action in this world that recognize the power of self.